The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
Merriam’s Turkey, Merriams Turkey Hunting, J Scott Croner, Nebraska Hunting Company, Nebraska Outfitters, wild turkey hunting, trophy turkey, neoga
While pecking away at the keyboard a couple of weeks ago I came upon fellow Outdoor Bloggers Summit member Scott Croner’s Blog, Nebraska Hunting Company. I meandered off to his company website, to see what it was all about. I am always curious what fellow bloggers do when they are not beating the keys off the keyboard. As it turns out, Scott is an outfitter based in Nebraska and covers several of the Midwest states in his pursuit of American big game, waterfowl, and turkey. Not only that, but we had some interesting acquaintances things in common, but more on that later.
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Scott has some great pictures of his clients on his website, and on the left hand side is a beautiful turkey that one of his clients harvested. Big turkey too, as far as I can tell.
But before I get into what caught my eye, I think a little bit of turkey talk information is in order! You would be surprised at how much there is to know! I certainly was.
There are two species and four subspecies of turkeys.
Eastern Photo Credit: WL McCoy

Osceola Image Credit: CL Evans

Rio Grande Image Credit: TwoTom

Merriam's Image Credit: Alice Outwater

Gould's Image Credit: Ornitholoco

Ocellated Image Credit Real Turkeys

Now I have always known turkey hunters to be a little obsessed. Box calls, slate calls, glass calls, owl hooters (Hooters? Who knew?), camouflage, gilliesuits, blinds, special chokes, shotguns, kneepads, and shells in different lengths, sizes colors and loads. And that doesn’t include the turkey bowhunters!
I had no idea how far the turkey madness went.
Curiosity peaked more than was probably good for me, I found the National Wild Turkey Federation website. Much to my delight it was a virtual warehouse of information, chuck full of all sorts of turkey stuff. Single-handedly, they have managed to complicate the relatively simple idea of killing a turkey, and elevated into well nigh an art form. I was entranced and enthralled by it immediately.
It was getting late when I was reading all this, when I came to the “Slam” page. I assumed that this was the recipe page where turkey, egg, and pancake met. But much to my surprise and glee what I found was the Holy Grail of turkey hunting aficionados. The Slams my friends, are the different levels of madness that one can attain by hunting the different subspecies of turkeys! And you get a certificate (Suitable for framing!) commemorating the event and a pin for your lapel! All that is required is membership in the National Wild Turkey Federation , and the turkeys.
These are the Slams that NWTF awards:
- Grand Slams consists of the Eastern, Rio Grande, Merriam's and Osceola (Florida) birds
- Royal Slams is the four subspecies listed above in addition to the Gould's bird
- World Slams include all five subspecies listed above in addition to the Ocellated wild turkey
- The Mexican Slam consists of the following birds harvested in Mexico only: Rio Grande, Gould's and Ocellated. Of course you are required to survive the experience. No posthumous awards issued.
- The Canadian Slam consists of harvesting the Eastern and Merriam's bird in the following provinces: Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, Alberta or British Columbia, and then serving them with bacon.

So of course now I am all crazy about getting turkeys. I have always been interested, but now… I’m obsessed… must get calls…must get more camo…
Sorry, lost my train of thought. Phew! It’s worse than I thought.
Well this brings me back to Scott and Nebraska Hunting Company. While kicking around his site I saw a fascinating turkey. During the 2009 spring turkey hunt, one of Scott’s clients, Mr. Todd Ried, harvested a melanistic or black color phase Merriam’s turkey! As you can tell the turkey is almost completely black, a fascinating and exceptional trophy indeed! Not only is the Merriam one of the lesser-harvested turkeys, but to get one in a color phase is just unbelievable.
Melanistic mutations occur in almost all creatures from fish to humans. It is much like albinism but not as hazardous to the animal’s health as being all white in the dark green woods! Birds in particular have several other color mutations that can occur, including blue, yellow, and red. Red, or more appropriately copper or rust, is occasionally seen in turkeys.
I want one. In a full mount, flying, so I can take up even more room in our miniscule apartment!
Tom H., Scott C., & Warren P.

I called Scott back and we did a phone interview, a TROC first by the way, which will appear in the near future. I have been so impressed by his good character, integrity, and know how, that I will definitely be booking with him when the time comes for me to collect my Merriam’s.
…and the Snow goose.
The turkey is going to need some company.
J Scott Croner
Nebraska Hunting Company
Nebraska Hunting Company Merriam's Turkey Hunting
Mobile: 402.304.1192
Albert A Rasch
Member: Hunting Sportsmen of the United States HSUS
The Hunt Continues...
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